purpose of this dissertation is to examine the goals of European Union’s objectiveof Blue Growth, which is ‘EU’s long term strategy to support sustainable growth inthe marine and maritime sectors’ (COM, 2012) and to conduct a monetary valuationof the Multi-Use Offshore Platforms. Specifically, this study is conducted on theMediterranean Site of the MERMAID project: ‘’Innovative Multi-purpose offshoreplatforms: planning, design & operation’’, which is one of three EU-FP7 fundedprojects selected for funding in response to Ocean 2011 on Multi-Use OffshorePlatforms (FP7-OCEAN.2011-1 “Multi-Use Offshore Platforms"). A BenefitsTransfer method is implemented so as to derive the people’s willingness to paytowards the potential of a Multi-Use Offshore Platform at the area. This research ispart of the Environmental Impact Assessment and the Social Cost Benefit Analysis ofthe Mermaid Project and contributes to the monetary valuation of the Multi-UseOffshore Platforms.83 p.Blue growthMermaid projectMulti-use offshore platformsBenefits transfer methodBlue growth and the monetary valuation of the multi‐use offshore platformsText