Measuring and modeling income inequality in Greece

dc.contributor.degreegrantinginstitutionAthens University of Economics and Business, Department of Statisticsen
dc.contributor.supervisorΛειβαδά, Αλεξάνδραel
dc.creatorChrissis, Kostasen
dc.creatorΧρύσης, Κώσταςel
dc.description.abstractIncome inequality gains significance from its close relationship with social injustice, and it has, therefore, been the subject of voluminous research by philosophers, political scientists, sociologists and economists. This thesis concentrates on the empirical study of personal income distribution in Greece utilizing alternative data sources and employing several statistic and econometric approaches for the modeling of income inequality. The structure of this thesis is the following: Chapter 1 is the introduction, Chapter 2 presents a detailed literature review of income inequality in Greece. Data and methodology are illustrated in Chapter 3. Two are the main datasources: Income tax data (declared income of physical persons) and EU-SILC micro data. The statistical specification for grouped income tax data includes the utilization of interpolation methods according to Cowell and Mehta (1982). An alternative methodology for the estimation of top income shares from grouped tax data according to the Piketty (2001) approach is also employed. Moreover this Chapter includes the statistical specification for EUSILC micro data for the estimation of the inequality indices. The empirical findings are presented in Chapter 4. A section is dedicated to the impact ofeconomic crisis on income distribution. The econometric approach employed for studying the relationship of income inequality and macroeconomic activity is discussed in Chapter 5. Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) (or boundstesting) cointegration procedure is employed for the empirical analysis of thelong-run relationships and dynamic interaction among the variables of interest. Chapter 6 illustrates the empirical results of the composition of income inequality (decomposition of inequality indices by population subgroups and income sources) as well as the distributional effects of policy tools (such as taxes and social transfers). Finally, conclusions, policy implications and potential future research are presented in Chapter 7.en
dc.identifier.citationΒιβλιογραφία : σ. 289-297
dc.subjectΕθνικό εισόδημαel
dc.subjectΕισοδηματική πολιτικήel
dc.subjectNational incomeen
dc.subjectIncomes policyen
dc.titleMeasuring and modeling income inequality in Greeceen
dc.title.alternativeΜέτρηση και μοντελοποίηση της εισοδηματικής ανισότητας στην Ελλάδαel


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