Actuarial modelling of claim counts and losses in motor third party liability insurance

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Τίτλος Εφημερίδας

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Actuarial science is the discipline that deals with uncertain events where clearly theconcepts of probability and statistics provide for an indispensable instrument in themeasurement and management of risks in insurance and finance. An important aspectof the business of insurance is the determination of the price, typically calledpremium, to pay in exchange for the transfer of risks. It is the duty of the actuary toevaluate a fair price given the nature of the risk. Actuarial literature research covers awide range of actuarial subjects among which is risk classification and experiencerating in motor third-party liability insurance, which are the driving forces of theresearch presented in this thesis. This is an area of applied statistics that has beenborrowing tools from various kits of theoretical statistics, notably empirical Bayes,regression, and generalized linear models, GLM, (Nelder and Wedderburn, 1972).However, the complexity of the typical application, featuring unobservable riskheterogeneity, imbalanced design, and nonparametric distributions, inspiredindependent fundamental research under the label `credibility theory', now acornerstone in contemporary insurance mathematics. Our purpose in this thesis is tomake a contribution to the connection between risk classification and experiencerating with generalized additive models for location scale and shape, GAMLSS,(Rigby and Stasinopoulos, 2005) and finite mixture models (Mclachlan and Peel,2000). In Chapter 1, we present a literature review of statistical techniques that can bepractically implemented for pricing risks through ratemaking based on a priori riskclassification and experience rated or Bonus-Malus Systems. The idea behind a prioririsk classification is to divide an insurance portfolio into different classes that consistof risks with a similar profile and to design a fair tariff for each of them. Recentactuarial literature research assumes that the risks can be rated a priori usinggeneralized linear models GLM, (see, for example, Denuit et al., 2007 & Boucher etal., 2007, 2008). Typical response variables involved in this process are the number ofclaims (or the claim frequency) and its corresponding severity (i.e. the amount theinsurer paid out, given that a claim occurred). In Chapter 2, we extend this setupfollowing the GAMLSS approach of Rigby and Stasinopoulos (2005). The GAMLSSmodels extend GLM framework allowing joint modeling of location and shapeparameters. Therefore both mean and variance may be assessed by choosing a marginal distribution and building a predictive model using ratemaking factors asindependent variables. In the setup we consider, risk heterogeneity is modeled as thedistribution of frequency and cost of claims changes between clusters by a function ofthe level of ratemaking factors underlying the analyzed clusters. GAMLSS modelingis performed on all frequency and severity models. Specifically, we model the claimfrequency using the Poisson, Negative Binomial Type II, Delaporte, Sichel and Zero-Inflated Poisson GAMLSS and the claim severity using the Gamma, Weibull, WeibullType III, Generalized Gamma and Generalized Pareto GAMLSS as these models havenot been studied in risk classification literature. The difference between these modelsis analyzed through the mean and the variance of the annual number of claims and thecosts of claims of the insureds, who belong to different risk classes. The resulting apriori premiums rates are calculated via the expected value and standard deviationprinciples with independence between the claim frequency and severity componentsassumed. However, in risk classification many important factors cannot be taken intoaccount a priori. Thus, despite the a priori rating system, tariff cells will not becompletely homogeneous and may generate a ratemaking structure that is unfair to thepolicyholders. In order to reduce the gap between the individual's premium and riskand to increase incentives for road safety, the individual's past record must taken intoconsideration under an a posteriori model. Bonus-Malus Systems (BMSs) are aposteriori rating systems that penalize insureds responsible for one or more accidentsby premium surcharges or maluses and reward claim-free policyholders by awardingthem discounts or bonuses. A basic interest of the actuarial literature is theconstruction of an optimal or `ideal' BMS defined as a system obtained throughBayesian analysis. A BMS is called optimal if it is financially balanced for theinsurer: the total amount of bonuses must be equal to the total amount of maluses andif it is fair for the policyholder: the premium paid by each policyholder is proportionalto the risk that they impose on the pool. The study of such systems based on differentstatistical models will be the main objective of this thesis. In Chapter 3, we extend thecurrent BMS literature using the Sichel distribution to model the claim frequencydistribution. This system is proposed as an alternative to the optimal BMS obtained bythe Negative Binomial model (see, Lemaire, 1995). We also consider the optimalBMS provided by the Poisson-Inverse Gaussian distribution, which is a special caseof the Sichel distribution. Furthermore, we introduce a generalized BMS that takesinto account both the a priori and a posteriori characteristics of each policyholder, extending the framework developed by Dionne and Vanasse (1989, 1992). This isachieved by employing GAMLSS modeling on all the frequency models consideredin this chapter, i.e. the Negative Binomial, Sichel and Poisson-Inverse Gaussianmodels. In the above setup optimality is achieved by minimizing the insurer's risk.The majority of optimal BMSs in force assign to each policyholder a premium basedon their number of claims disregarding their aggregate amount. In this way, apolicyholder who underwent an accident with a small size of loss will be unfairlypenalized in comparison to a policyholder who had an accident with a big size of loss.Motivated by this, the first objective of Chapter 4 is the integration of claim severityinto the optimal BMSs based on the a posteriori criteria of Chapter 3. For this purposewe consider that the losses are distributed according to a Pareto distribution,following the setup used by Frangos and Vrontos (2001). The second objective ofChapter 4 is the development of a generalized BMS with a frequency and a severitycomponent when both the a priori and the a posteriori rating variables are used. Forthe frequency component we assume that the number of claims is distributedaccording to the Negative Binomial Type I, Poisson Inverse Gaussian and SichelGAMLSS. For the severity component we consider that the losses are distributedaccording to a Pareto GAMLSS. This system is derived as a function of the years thatthe policyholder is in the portfolio, their number of accidents, the size of loss of eachof these accidents and of the statistically significant a priori rating variables for thenumber of accidents and for the size of loss that each of these claims incurred.Furthermore, we present a generalized form of the one obtained in Frangos andVrontos (2001). Finally, in Chapter 5 we give emphasis on both the analysis of theclaim frequency and severity components of an optimal BMS using finite mixtures ofdistributions and regression models (see Mclachlan and Peel, 2000 & Rigby andStasinopoulos, 2009) as these methods, with the exception of Lemaire(1995), have notbeen studied in the BMS literature. Specifically, for the frequency component weemploy a finite Poisson, Delaporte and Negative Binomial mixture, while for theseverity component we employ a finite Exponential, Gamma, Weibull andGeneralized Beta Type II (GB2) mixture, updating the posterior probability. We alsoconsider the case of a finite Negative Binomial mixture and a finite Pareto mixtureupdating the posterior mean. The generalized BMSs we propose adequately integraterisk classification and experience rating by taking into account both the a priori and aposteriori characteristics of each policyholder.



Insurance, Insurance companies, Statistics, Risk, Finance
