Investigating the path through which export market orientation influences export venture performance: the role of export sales strategy and marketing capabilities

Μικρογραφία εικόνας




Τίτλος Εφημερίδας

Περιοδικό ISSN

Τίτλος τόμου



In response to certain important gaps in the extant export marketing literature the present research inquiry strives to investigate the role of export sales strategy and marketing capabilities in the path through which export market orientation influences export venture performance. Previous research endeavors based on the Resource Based View theory support the existence of a joint, complimentary relationship of sales force resources and capabilities on performance. However it seems that the particular path through which export sales strategy, and its association with specific marketing capabilities and resources contribute to enhanced export performance, requires further research attention. The objective of the present research attempt is to investigate the role of export sales strategy in conjunction with certain marketing capabilities available to an export venture. Drawing on the Resource Based View theory, the present research effort considers and empirically tests the role of marketing capabilities and export sales strategy in the path through which export market orientation influences export performance. Based on a thorough review of empirical studies which consider market orientation as a firm resource, we focus on investigating a series of relationships leading from export market orientation values, norms and behavior to export venture performance. Through this attempt, we aim to address critical gaps in both market orientation and RBV literature, theoretically and empirically. The results of this empirical effort, and in concert with the existing conceptual evidence, suggest that export sales strategy should not be examined in isolation, but within a broader and more interactive context of resources and capabilities embedded within an exporting organization. Particularly, export sales strategy is an important driver of export performance by effectively capitalizing on the resources and capabilities of the firm. Our empirical evidence reveals that effective implementation of export sale strategies contribute to enhanced export market and financial performance, and that export market orientation (firm resource) and marketing capabilities play an important role in enabling effective export sales strategy implementation in export venture markets within a competitive and turbulent environment that exists in foreign markets.



Marketing, Sales, Research, Market
