Reconsidering the relationship of human resource management and organizational performance

Μικρογραφία εικόνας



Τίτλος Εφημερίδας

Περιοδικό ISSN

Τίτλος τόμου



In human resource management literature (HRM), there is consistent evidence of an association between human resource management and performance. There is a general assumption that it is HRM practices that are driving organizational performance. However, most past studies are cross-sectional, limiting the ability to determine causality. There are sound theoretical reasons favouring both the view that an increase in the use of HRM practices leads to an increase in performance, but also the view that increased performance will, in turn, lead to an increase in use of HR practices. There is therefore the possibility of a circular relationship. These competing perspectives and their conceptual and empirical bases are outlined, as a first step, in this thesis. The analysis confirms a need for a longitudinal research that allows for the possibility that the causal direction can flow either from HRM practices to performance or from performance outcomes to HRM practices or be bilateral. The thesis presents these possibilities within a new developed analytic framework and examines for the bilateral causality impact between HRM and organizational performance, by using a longitudinal research design.For the purposes of the study tree waves of data on HRM practices from 73 Greek organizations (in manufacturing, merchandising and services sector) have been collected over a period of 13 years. Performance data (both objective and subjective), including measures of profitability and productivity have been collected on an annual basis over the 13 years period. A number of control factors, including ownership/nationality of the organisation, size, and sector are taken into account. The study is placed in a non US/UK based context, in South Europe and namely in Greece, considering in this way a different cultural approach compared to the majority of previous studies. In addition, stemming from its longitudinal design and the fact that the research is conducted in Greece – a country under severe recession, the study succeeds in examining also the impact of economic crisis on the very existence and strength of the HRM practices – organizational performance relationship.



Human Resource Management, Organizational performance, Labour market, Recession, HRM practices, Greece
