Τιμητικός τόμος καθηγήτριας Νάνσυ Παπαλεξανδρή

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Τώρα δείχνει 1 - 20 από 27
  • Τεκμήριο
    Regional CSR policies and SME’s CSR actions: mind the gap: the case of the tourism SMEs in Crete
    (Editions Benou, 2020) Apospori, Eleni
    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) actions have the potential to enhance the competitiveness of SMEs. Regional authorities can support the development of SME CSR actions within the framework of their sustainable competitiveness agenda. The alignment between regional CSR policy initiatives and SMEs’ CSR needs is crucial for achieving the regional sustainable competitiveness’goals. We introduce a conceptual framework to facilitate the alignment between regional CSR policies and SMEs’ needs. We use this conceptual framework and the quantitative technique of survey to empirically investigate the alignment of regional CSR policies with the CSR needs of tourism for SMEs in Crete, Greece. The findings indicate gaps between the perceived level and type of support offered by regional CSR policies and the CSR needs of the SMEs. Based on the findings, we provide recommendations to the regional authorities and tourism SMEs in Crete for implementing CSR policies and actions.
  • Τεκμήριο
    Can old dogs play new tricks in family firms?
    (Editions Benou, 2020) Stavrou, Eleni; Galanaki, Eleanna
    By combining the social exchange and stakeholder theories, we focus on employees older than 50 as a strategic resource in family firms. Specifically, we study the relationship between such employees and firm innovation and the potential moderating role of work-life balance practices. We find a negative relationship between the ratio of older workers and the level of firm innovation in both family and non-family firms. However, in family firms, the more work away from office is used, the stronger and positive the relationship between the level of firm innovation and the percentage of older employees is.
  • Τεκμήριο
    Entrepreneurship beyond business: the potential of entrepreneurship theory insights in understanding international relations phenomena
    (Editions Benou, 2020) Pedi, Revecca; Sarri, Katerina
    The aim of this paper is to explore the potential of Entrepreneurial Behaviour in the discipline of International Relations. Following recent research efforts in the Entrepreneurship discipline which call for extending the impact of entrepreneurship research beyond the domain of business and others in the International Relations field that support a further engagement with Entrepreneurship scholarship we propose that there is a specific pattern of state behaviour that can be conceptualized as entrepreneurial behaviour. To support our argument we show how entrepreneurship insights can help us enhance our understanding of the small but smart state behaviour. Our approach contributes to the interdisciplinary research on Entrepreneurship and International Relations, opens new opportunities for research and provides policy-makers with a new line of thinking about change.
  • Τεκμήριο
    Η σύγχρονη θεματική των θεωριών της ηγεσίας
    (Εκδόσεις Μπένου, 2020) Χυτήρη, Αλεξάνδρα; Χυτήρης, Λεωνίδας
    H θεώρηση της ηγεσίας από πολλές πλευρές (π.χ. του ηγέτη, των ακολούθων, του κοινωνικού, πολιτισμικού, εργασιακού και οικονομικού περιβάλλοντος, της τεχνολογίας επικοινωνιών, κτλ.) και η μελέτη των παραγόντων που την αναδεικνύουν και την καθορίζουν, προβάλλουν την ανάγκη, σκοπιμότητα και χρησιμότητα των πολλών και διαφορετικών θεωριών και κατ’ επέκταση ορισμών της ηγεσίας. Σκοπός της εργασίας αυτής είναι η καταγραφή των θεωρητικών υποδειγμάτων ηγεσίας από το 2000 μέχρι σήμερα, η συνοπτική παρουσίαση τους κατά θεματολογία και η διαμορφούμενη εξελικτική τάση στην έρευνα για την ηγεσία. Από την καταγραφή της συχνότητας των θεμάτων των άρθρων στα εγκυρότερα επιστημονικά περιοδικά, που αφορούν στην ηγεσία, προκύπτει ότι στην πρώτη πεντάδα των θεωρητικών υποδειγμάτων είναι οι θεωρίες: (νέο) χαρισματικής ηγεσίας, ηγεσίας βασισμένης στις νοητικές διεργασίες ηγέτη και ακολούθων, στρατηγικής ηγεσίας, σχεσιακής ηγεσίας (ή κοινωνικής ανταλλαγής) και ηγεσία με βάση τα χαρακτηριστικά-ικανότητες του ηγέτη.
  • Τεκμήριο
    Perceived disinterested support and outcomes: a view through the lenses of perceived organizational support and organizational virtuousness’ perceptions
    (Editions Benou, 2020) Tsachouridi, Irene; Nikandrou, Irene
    Perceived Disinterested Support (PDS) captures employees’ attributions of disinterested motives to the support provided by the organization. Until now the PDS-outcome relationship has been viewed from the perspective of social exchange theory. In this study we extend this perspective by examining whether organizational virtuousness’ perceptions as well as social exchange theory (through POS) can mediate the relationship between PDS and outcomes (job satisfaction, intent to quit, self-sacrificial intentions). The results of a field study in which 374 employees took part, indicate that both organizational virtuousness’ perceptions and POS can mediate the PDS-job satisfaction relationship as well as the PDS-intent to quit relationship. On the contrary, only organizational virtuousness’ perceptions (but not POS) can mediate the relationship between PDS and self-sacrificial intentions.
  • Τεκμήριο
    In us we trust? Fields, networks, and the translation of context into organizations: the case of banking careers in Austria
    (Editions Benou, 2020) Schneidhofer, Thomas M.; Hofbauer, Johanna; Mayrhofer, Wolfgang; Meyer, Michael
    Organizations are embedded in various layers of context which influence organizational structures and processes and, in turn, are influenced by them. One interesting example of analysing these mutual dependencies is careers in organizations. Assuming that career fields that cut across organizations contain rules and regulations channelling career moves, the paper focuses on how career fields influence/get translated into organizations via social capital mechanisms, arguing that social networks are one core element in these translation processes. The paper uses the work of Pierre Bourdieu as conceptual background and the career field of banking in Austria as empirical illustration. It contributes to organizational theory and research in a threefold way: It (1) adds to the growing research on the usefulness of a Bourdieuan perspective to understand organizational phenomena; (2) develops the notion of career field; and (3) throws some light on the role of social networks in the relation between social fields and organizations by using a qualitative methodology.
  • Τεκμήριο
    Personal quality management through the use of quality tools: the use of Pareto, Deming Cycle and cause and effect diagram (Fishbone) in a university class environment
    (Editions Benou, 2020) Nteliou, Kleopatra; Rafailidou, Myrofora
    This paper presents the importance of personal quality and its application through specific quality tools. Quality should start on a personal level in order to become part of the core culture of an organization. Individuals need to practice quality tools at personal level in order not only to cope with the competitive business environment, but also to solve issues in their personal life. Under this scope, five quality tools and the modified version of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award criteria for Performance Excellence are presented, showing the importance of using such frameworks on a personal basis. The use of personal quality checklist, personal TQM matrix and Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award are presented through the literature review as useful tools for personal quality management. Apart from these personal quality frameworks, other researchers explored some well-known quality tools such as Pareto, the Deming Cycle and the cause and effect diagram (Fishbone). Their application is analyzed and discussed in a university class environment.
  • Τεκμήριο
    Πέντε "θέσεις" για τη διοικητική επιστήμη και ένα συμπέρασμα
    (Εκδόσεις Μπένου, 2020) Μακρυδημήτρης, Αντώνης
    Η διοικητική τέχνη ή επιστήμη, παρά τη διάδοση και τη φήμη της στην κοινωνική εμπειρία, εξαιτίας ακριβώς της συμβολής της στην αποδοτικότητα των οικονομικών μονάδων (επιχειρήσεων) και στην αποτελεσματικότητα της πολιτικής διακυβέρνησης των κοινωνιών, είναι ταυτόχρονα «αδικημένη» από τη σκοπιά της συνειδητοποίησης των προϋποθέσεων για την άσκησή της.Στο κείμενο εξετάζονται, κατά τρόπο συνοπτικό, ορισμένες από τις κυριότερες και πιο συνήθεις αβλεψίες που απαντούν σε επίδοξους ‘διοικητές’ ή ανώτερα στελέχη (για να μην πούμε και αναλυτές) της δημόσιας και επιχειρηματικής διοίκησης στη χώρα μας, όσο και αλλαχού.Η αθροιστική ή σωρευτική επίγνωση αυτών των ελλειμμάτων, όσο και η συνειδητή προσπάθεια για την αντιμετώπισή τους, μπορεί να οδηγήσει στη διοικητική ευπραγία, αλλά και στην αποκατάσταση της διοικητικής επιστήμης στο πνευματικό βάθρο που της αρμόζει.
  • Τεκμήριο
    Use of official statistics and compilation of performance indices as a tool of economic policy: the case of Greek manufacturing sector
    (Editions Benou, 2020) Chalikias, John
    The objective of this paper is to demonstrate the usefulness of economic indicators in formulating economic policy. There are situations where the compilation of economic performance indices leads to more useful results than the use of complex econometric models. In particular, the aim of this paper is not the estimation of dynamic models, but monitoring through appropriate indicators the evolution of performance and competitiveness of Greek industry during the last twenty years in order to investigate the causes of the manufacturing industry decline.The Greek industry achieved its best performance in the 1970s when it participated in GDP with approximately 20% and around 400,000 employees or 12% of all employees. Today, the participation percentage of manufacturing in GDP has been reduced to 5.4% with 168,000 jobs or 4.5% of total employment. In order to investigate the causes of the manufacturing industry decline, appropriate indicators were constructed which examine the evolution of performance and competitiveness of Greek industry during the last twenty years. By competitiveness we mean measurable factors, i.e. labour costs per unit of product and labour productivity in manufacturing
  • Τεκμήριο
    We are in this together- or aren’t we? The interplay of intra-organizational coalitions and their impact on organizational responses to performance discrepancies
    (Editions Benou, 2020) Vourloumis, Stavros; Papadakis, Vassilis
    Coalitions are informal groups that are formed and operating within the boundaries of organizations. Organizational scholarship has extensively documented and discussed the presence of coalitions in organizations.However, our understanding of their role and effects on intra-organizational affairs and organizational outcomes remains incomplete. To address these shortcomings, in this paper we develop a theoretical framework for better understanding the role of coalitions and the dynamics unfolding between and within them. In particular, we develop theory and propositions regarding the formation, actions and interactions of coalitions, as well as their impact on key organizational processes. Building on the conception of organizations as encompassing political coalitions, we argue that internal coalitions with distinct (and occasionally competing) interests and preferences are reaching compromises around goals, strategies and practices in order for the focal organization to operate and compete smoothly. We illustrate how discrepancies among the realized performance of the organization and aspiration levels trigger various dynamics between and within coalitions, which in turn impact the responses to these discrepancies. Our paper provides a more nuanced understanding of internal coalitions, as well as salient insights into their role and implications for organizational decision-making processes and outcomes. In that way, the paper extends the existing knowledge, and highlights paths for future research.
  • Τεκμήριο
    Living and leading consciously: a road map for moving from toxic to virtuous leadership
    (Editions Benou, 2020) Bhandarker, Asha; Singh, P.
    This article is primarily devoted to the journey which leaders need to take to move from their toxic nature (darkness) to their virtuous nature (light). It seeks to carve out the road map that positional leaders need to follow, in order to move from darkness to light, that is from Id to Superego, and from instinctual to conscious behavior so that they can transform themselves to become Philosopher-Kings (mentioned both in the Ramayana ( the great Indian epic) and in the Socratic Dialogues – The Republic). They must also strive to move from the trapping of unconscious living and leading, to becoming fully conscious and thereby become functional, creative and productive leaders.
  • Τεκμήριο
    Public service motivation, job satisfaction and organizational commitment among greek public sector employees
    (Editions Benou, 2020) Krompa, Anna; Iordanoglou, Dimitra
    Public Service Motivation (PSM) has been attracting increased attention over the last decades. The present study aimed at examining the relationships between Public Service Motivation, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Commitment in the public sector in Greece. One hundred and fifty-three employees working atthe Greek Ministry of Education participated in the study. The theoretical model of the study was tested through structural equation modeling (SEM). The results showed that Public Service Motivation had a positive effect on Job Satisfaction, which in turn had a strong, positive influence on Organizational Commitment. No direct relationship between Public Service Motivation and Organizational Commitment was found. The findings somehow contradict the widespread negative perception of the public sector in Greece, suggesting that Greek public sector employees are intrinsically motivated by a commitment to public interest, a desire to protect citizens and an inclination for personal sacrifice.
  • Τεκμήριο
    Ολιστικό μοντέλο προσέγγισης της διαχείρισης ανθρώπινου δυναμικού  
    (Εκδόσεις Μπένου, 2020) Κωνσταντόπουλος, Νικόλαος
    Στο κεφάλαιο αυτό θα γίνει μια πρώτη παρουσίαση των διαφορετικών Πλαισίων (Τομείς) Δράσης που εμφανίζονται στη καθημερινότητα της ανάληψης ευθυνών και δράσεων των εργαζομένων στους χώρους εργασίας, επιχειρήσεις / οργανισμούς. Η διαμόρφωση των πλαισίων δράσης πραγματοποιείται μέσα από την συνεχή δραστηριοποίηση των εργαζομένων, τις πολυσχιδείς σχέσεις που αναπτύσσονται στους εργασιακούς χώρους, την εμφάνιση των επιμέρους συμφερόντων, τις αλλαγές που επιβάλλει η αγορά αλλά και οι επιδιώξεις των επιχειρήσεων / οργανισμών. Πρόκειται για έναν άλλο τρόπο να προσεγγίσουμε τη διάσταση της διαχείρισης του ανθρώπινου δυναμικού στις επιχειρήσεις και τους οργανισμούς, από αυτούς που έχουν προταθεί έως σήμερα και οι οποίοι εστιάζουν αποκλειστικά στους τρόπους με τους οποίους οι επιχειρήσεις / οργανισμοί επιχειρούν να μεγιστοποιήσουν την απόδοση των εργαζομένων τους. Ο νέος αυτός τρόπος στηρίζεται στην αντίληψη ότι το σύνολο των δράσεων που πραγματοποιούνται καθημερινά στους χώρους εργασίας, ανήκουν σε ξεχωριστά πλαίσια δράσεων τα οποία έχουν κοινά χαρακτηριστικά. Η απόδοση των εργαζομένων, πλέον, δεν εστιάζεται μονοδιάστατα στο πως θα «παρακινηθούν» οι εργαζόμενοι για να αποδώσουν το σύνολο των ικανοτήτων / δεξιοτήτων που διαθέτουν αλλά στο σύνολο των δραστηριοτήτων / δράσεων που αναλαμβάνουν και κυρίως σε διαδικασίες που εντάσσονται στην οργάνωση και λειτουργία της επιχείρησης / οργανισμού. Προτείνονται τέσσερα πλαίσια (τομείς) δράσεων στους οποίους ανήκει το σύνολο των καθημερινών εργασιακών ενασχολήσεων των εργαζομένων. Οι τομείς (πλαίσια) αυτοί προσδιορίζονται μέσα από ένα σύνολο πέντε διαστάσεων. Οι διαστάσεις αυτές διαμορφώνουν την ιδιαιτερότητα του κάθε πλαισίου (τομέα) δράσης και διαχωρίζουν το κάθε πλαίσιο από τα υπόλοιπα. Το ολιστικό αυτό μοντέλο δίνει τη δυνατότητα να αντιληφθούμε το ανθρώπινο δυναμικό στην ολότητά του (ιδιαιτερότητες, ικανότητες, αδυναμίες, προβλήματα, αντιξοότητες, κλπ.) και όχι εστιάζοντας μονοδιάστατα στις στρατηγικές και τις πολιτικές που θα του δώσουν το έναυσμα (παρακίνηση) για να αποδώσει το μέγιστο των δυνατοτήτων του, όπως κάνουν το σύνολο των θεωριών μέχρι σήμερα. Η «παρακίνηση» αυτή ενσωματώνεται στο κάθε πλαίσιο (τομέα) δράσης και όχι «μόνο» στις πολιτικές παρακίνησης της επιχείρησης / οργανισμού.
  • Τεκμήριο
    The captivator leader: leading greatly with ethos, pathos and logos
    (Editions Benou, 2020) Bourantas, Dimitris; Agapitou, Vasia
    In this work, we present the concept of captivator leader. Drawing from the extensive leadership literature and the essentials of influential communication, we develop a theoretical model that takes into account the whole spectrum of human experience, that is heart, brain and soul, of both leader and followers. In other words, after having established that leadership phenomenon has been mostly studied fragmentally, we argue that leaders, future leaders and scholars can benefit from a more holistic approach to leadership.
  • Τεκμήριο
    Leadership in the digital era: learning from the past and challenges for the future
    (Editions Benou, 2020) Prastacos, Gregory P.
    This paper is organized as follows. First, we briefly review three leadership models we consider particularly relevant in the digital era. Next, we examine what we consider are the key forces that impact organizations in the digital era, and the leadership challenges they present. Based on these challenges, we then make some preliminary observations about the requirements and the functions of leadership in the digital era. Finally, we close with some conclusions and directions for further research.
  • Τεκμήριο
    Antecedents and consequences of silence at work: an exploratory study
    (Editions Benou, 2020) Lazanaki, Vera; Vakola, Maria; Aklidou, Ermioni
    Discovering the antecedents and consequences of employees' silent behaviour may reveal important contingencies that can explain why employees choose to adopt such behaviours and which are the consequences for both individuals and organizations. We interviewed 30 full-time employees working for a range of industries such as pharmaceuticals, banking, shipping, consulting, coming from both the public and the private sector. Our analysis showed many causes of remaining silent at work such as individual characteristics, organizational characteristics, interpersonal relationships and fear of suffering the consequences. This work shed light to various reasons behind employees' silent behaviours to different recipients such as supervisors, colleagues and subordinates. Our research identified individual-level such as stress and job dissatisfaction, team-level such as distant or toxic interpersonal relationships and organizational level consequences such as low morale.
  • Τεκμήριο
    On societal culture and leadership in Greece
    (Editions Benou, 2020) Skouras, Thanos
    The GLOBE Study is the foremost international effort in the comparative study of societal cultures. Professor Nancy Papalexandris participated in GLOBE as the principal country-investigator for Greece and authored the chapter assessing the research findings, which relate to the GLOBE's nine fundamental dimensions of societal culture in the Greek context. Professor Papalexandris’ work constitutes a pioneering endeavor, given that Greek academics have shown on the whole remarkably little interest in the scientific study of the Greek character and societal culture. The present article is a critical commentary on her chapter, aiming to further the investigation of this foremost question for Greek society’s self-knowledge. In particular and most importantly, it points to the relative neglect and underestimation of an inflated ego in the interpretation of the research findings. A fitting interpretation requires that proper attention is given to the inflated ego, as this is a central trait of the Greek character largely accounting for the special nature of the Greek societal culture.
  • Τεκμήριο
    Discrepancy between ideal and actual caring culture: effects on employee commitment and satisfaction
    (Editions Benou, 2020) Papagiannakis, Giorgos; Galanaki, Eleanna
    A person-organizational culture fit approach may add to our understanding on how work attitudes are shaped, but this link has been under-investigated by extant research. In this study, we investigate whether discrepancies between the ideal and the actual caring organizational culture influence employee organizational commitment and job satisfaction. We draw on the person-organization fit literature to specify a testable theoretical framework. Employing the GLOBE (Global Leadership and Organizational Behaviour Effectiveness) project methodology and using a sample of 638 employees, we found evidence that overall supports our main premise. The results of seemingly unrelated equations (SUR) analysis showed that in most cases, a high discrepancy between the ideal and the actual organizational caring culture leads to lower employee commitment and job satisfaction. The findings of this research emphasize the importance of the gap between the ideal and the actual organizational culture, most notably collectivism, in shaping individual’s behaviour in organizations. The theoretical and practical implications are discussed.
  • Τεκμήριο
    Talent inflow across countries
    (Editions Benou, 2020) Farndale, Elaine; Nikandrou, Irene; Panayotopoulou, Leda
    Recruitment and selection are vital human resource management (HRM) practices that ensure organizations can attract the talent required to deliver high performance. We argue here that there are, however, no universal best practices that organizations can rely on to achieve these desired outcomes. Instead, there are many different practices to choose between and what will work best depends on the specific operating context of each organization. Our focus in this chapter is to draw from the themes of Nancy Papalexandris’ research to demonstrate how this particular area of HRM practice is related to firm performance and how actual practice adoption varies at national level based on institutional and cultural norms and traditions. We explore empirical data from Cranet on recruitment and selection practices across a range of countries and present national-level reasoning to explain why differences in practice adoption across countries exist.
  • Τεκμήριο
    Financial participation and institutional change in Greece, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and the UK
    (Editions Benou) Ligthart, Paul E.M.; Poutsma, Erik; Bücker, Joost
    This chapter investigates the institutional embeddedness of employee financial participation (EFP: employee share ownership, stock options and profit-sharing). The research base is a mixed methods study covering an analysis of a longitudinal dataset using the international database of the Cranet HRM network, and in-depth country profile studies of selected countries -including our longstanding partner of Cranet-network Greece- discovering the institutional complementarities between industrial relations and employee financial participation. The results show that the introduction and developments of EFP are not only determined by the influence of institutions. Also, the actors who shape these institutions, most notably employers, trade unions and government bodies, differ profoundly between national systems in their attitude and behaviour towards EFP, between promoting, being sceptical, and no opinion and involvement at all.